Küpten Prizmaya Dönüşüm. MIT LABs. İnanılmaz bir Hayal Gücü.! Posted on 03/04/201109/12/2018 by Ugur Related Post Nassim Nicholas Talep and Harry Markowitz Two most read papers about portfolio management Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails: Real World Preasymptotics a Note From Time – From life of Denzel Washington Labs in CLOUDS. Robots Do the Research to Accelerate Innovation Some new videos to Understand What is happening around us? MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory NASIL Olur Related posts: Video: Evolution of A New Architecture SAP HANA What Shazam and Cortexica can not survive without ! in-memory Database: Why is it relevant for Today? Why Today? Winning back the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) SAP Cloud Forum 2017 – Istanbul Keynote