Ugur Candan is Working for SAP and This site contains his own comments and publications.
Uğur Candan, who is working as Managing Director of SAP Turkey. He is one of the six SAP manager who were in the establishment of SAP Turkey. He is responsible for coordinating all business processes of pre-sales, marketing, business development and functions of general management. Since 2001 Uğur Candan worked at different departments at SAP Turkey as Product Manager, Business Development Manager, Solutions Manager before his MD and COO title. He was graduated both from Mechanical and and also Industry Engineering Departments of Bosphorus University and got his postgraduate degree at Nottingham University about Production Systems.
SAP Türkiye’de Genel Müdür olarak görev yapan Uğur Candan, SAP Türkiye’nin kuruluşunda yer alan altı SAP yöneticisinden biridir. SAP Türkiye’nin satış öncesi Teknik destek, pazarlama, iş geliştirme ve genel yönetim fonksiyonlarından sorumludur. 2001 yılından günümüze SAP Türkiye’de çeşitli kademelerde çalışan Uğur Candan; geçmişte COO, Ürün Müdürü, İş Geliştirme Müdürü, Çözüm Müdürü olarak görevler almıştır. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Makine ve Endüstri Mühendisliği bölümlerinden mezun olan Uğur Candan, İngiltere’de Nottingham Üniversitesi’nde üretim sistemleri konusunda yüksek lisans yapmıştır.
Hello Ugur, I just stumbled upon the SAP Turkiye Economic Impact Analysis Report. Excellent read!
I would appreciate your guidance and advice. We want to work with your partners to help their customers migrate to S/4. We specialize in brownfield conversions, where we can leverage our automatic custom code adaptation software (that usually covers 80% of that effort).
Would you mind suggesting a few companies that, in your opinion, might be interested in having a conversation?
Thank you!
Hi Sir
You can find many such partner links in
Thx for your comments
Hi Sir You can find many such partner links in