Don’t let the name fool you. Coca-Cola’s Simply Orange juice is anything but pick, squeeze, and pour. That cold glass of 100 percent liquid sunshine on the breakfast table is the product of a sophisticated industrial juice complex. Satellite imagery, complicated data algorithms, even a juice pipeline are all part of the recipe. “You take Mother Nature and standardize it,” says Jim Horrisberger, director of procurement at Coke’s huge Auburndale (Fla.) juice packaging plant. “Mother…
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The Moment at its Best Visual Form
I could not stand posting a blog post about those wonderful photos. This is the moment at its best. Bravo Tobias. It must be real hard trial to get those photo streams
Read MoreShould Pragmatic Chaos or Epagogix determine future of our human entertainment?
Cinematch, Dinasour Planet, and finally Pragmatic Chaos –predicting what movie you might want to watch- is determining 60% of the movies being rented. Pragmatic Chaos got the 1 million dollar prize. Prize for reading what is in your brain. The above photo is from the ceremony in New York City. (20 Sept 2009) for more photos visit. On the other side of the equation we have companies like Epagogix. In their web site they define…
Read kâbus mu?
Hong Kong merkezli online kozmetik satış sitesi olan Strawberrynet. com, kozmetik pazarını deyim yerindeyse vakumladı. 10 ayda 300 milyon dolarlık satışla Türkiye’deki kozmetik mağazalarının toplam cirosunu tek başına yapan site sektörün kâbusu oldu.
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The Consumer Decision Journey
Consumers are moving outside the purchasing funnel-changing the way they research end buy your products. If your marketing hasn’t changed in response. It should. David Court, Dave Elzinga, Susan Mulder, and O Jbrgen Vetvlk If marketing has one goal, it’s to reach consumers at the moments that most influence their decisions. That’s why consumer electronics companies make sure not only that customers see their televisions in stores but also that those televisions display vivid high-den…
Read MoreUgur Candan Robot ! (The new generation marketing)
Ugur Candan the robot ! The new generation of marketing examples. All those instruments are for new generation of marketing examples. You let people socialise their own ideas through your channel.Who ever uses your wizard also pushes your add or brand or headline as well.
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