IDC Business Intelligence Roadshow 2011 View more presentations from ugur candan. In this presentation I tried to explain why big data or extreme data problems are so trendy. There is a specific reason for this. For those who attended the event I hope it is clear. For those who have not attended you need to walk over the presentation to have an idea.
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In-memory Database Systems: Hype or Reality?
Typical arguments about in-memory database systems follows: From : This is indeed an interesting argument and one that I’m not going to argue against. But it still feels like elastic caching or in-memory elastic databases will remain just a part of the software equation: – Even if the price of RAM has continued to decrease, the machines mentioned do not sound like commodity hardware so you’ll have to balance the costs with the value…
Read MoreH-store: One Size Fits All An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone in RDBMS!
Michael Stonebraker has been a pioneer of data base research and technology for more than a quarter of a century. He was the main architect of the INGRES relational DBMS, the object-relational DBMS, POSTGRES, and the federated data system, Mariposa. All three prototypes were developed at the University of California at Berkeley where Stonebraker was a Professor of Computer Science for twenty five years. He is the founder of three successful Silicon Valley startups,…
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