This is something everybody should listen. We should at least test our lives with the every moring mirror test. A very interesting life from Steve Jobs.
I would have named this piece rather “How would you connect the dots?” or “Stay hungry, Stay foolish”… But your headline was eye catching and might be getting you more clicks…
I do not know … This was my first head line but for sure “Stay hungry, Stay foolish”… is not the main theme of this speach.I know many had named it such but I totally disagree. ugur
Safa thanks for the kind comments. Everybody is complaining about the head line. I still think the headline is better than what is stated in the youtube 🙂 By the way you would not beleive what Bill McDermott had as a final word in Fkom 10. “Stay hungary” was a clause he used…. Prob e few understood the content. 🙂 Thx.
I would have named this piece rather “How would you connect the dots?” or “Stay hungry, Stay foolish”… But your headline was eye catching and might be getting you more clicks…
I do not know … This was my first head line but for sure “Stay hungry, Stay foolish”… is not the main theme of this speach.I know many had named it such but I totally disagree. ugur
Let’s focus more on content rather than the head line. I like it very much. Good learnings. Ugur thanks sharing this with us!
Safa thanks for the kind comments. Everybody is complaining about the head line. I still think the headline is better than what is stated in the youtube 🙂 By the way you would not beleive what Bill McDermott had as a final word in Fkom 10. “Stay hungary” was a clause he used…. Prob e few understood the content. 🙂 Thx.