I usually publish one story per week. Plesea comment the ones that you like. This will guide me.
Ugur Candan
- Going for Low Orbit Space Program !
- Şimdiki Çocuklarda Okusun – Beta Ayakkabı
- GENOFUTURE’14 Where Genomics and IT Meet Presentation
- Kick-off for Maker Movement in Istanbul
- SAP Strategy in 2014 and Beyond
- Winning back the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)
- 50 Times a Second measure and correct: Quad copters and Algorithms
- What Shazam and Cortexica can not survive without !
- Drifting Fish Farms Hawaii Big Island – Exprience for Turkey
- Coca-Cola Adjust Taste of Orange Juice by Secret Algorithm (Black Book)