Let’s meet at GENOFUTURE’14. I would talk about Big Data Trends and its applications in Human Genome Analysis and 4 different application areas.
The content of the day is an interesting one :
“…Genomics is a cross-disciplinary field touching both clinicians and IT professionals. Doctors, IT decision makers, specialists in life-sciences such as biomedical software engineers, biostatisticians and in fact most scientists will be constantly exposed to this topic as cost per genome comes down to $1000. The cost element is the good news. The bad news however is that, most of us will be overwhelmed with the complexity the topic brings to the way we work in clinical settings or IT departments. Trust me, you’re not alone. We’re all on the same boat…”
12:30 Panel 2: Role of Big Data in Health and Life-Sciences
Moderator: Ketan Paranjape–Intel Corp Panelists:Aytul Ercil (Sabanci Uni), Vineesh Khanna (Qatar-SIDRA), Tunahan Cakir (Gebze High Technology Institute), Kemal Kaplan (Acibadem Hospitals Group), Ugur Candan (SAP Turkey)
I will post my presentation material once ready …
Not mine but my friend Matthieu’s presentation enjoy 🙂
Merhabalar Uğur Bey, Genomic Konferansındaki sunumunuzun bir kopyasını ‘I will post my presentation material once ready …’ sözünüze istinaden talep edebilir miyim? Gen hukuku ve buna dair dijital yapılar hakkında çalışmalar yapıyorum. Selam ve saygılarımla. Av.Burhan UYAN 0541 2751110
Slm’lar sunumu ekledim. Benim sunumdan daha iyi oldugundan Matthieu’nun slideların ekledim. Kendisinin slideshare’inde süper sunumlar vardır. FYI. Tşk